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 Small Robot 


1 Base Frame


The Base frame consists of chassis + Power supply + Motors + Wheels + Motor Control board . . .


3 Joystick Control


A simple Joystick module can control the Small Robot in all the directions. RF transmitter and receiver makes the control wireless . . . . .


6 Line Follower


The Line Follower moves on a black or white line automatically adjusts . . . . . . .


8 Edge Detector


The Edge Detector detects the edge of a flat sufaces takes turn automati....


2 Keypad Control


A four keyed Keypad can control the Small Robot in all 4 directions. RF transmitter and receiver makes the control wireless . . . . .


4 IR Remote Control


An Infra-Red remote used to control Panasonic Audio (clone) is used to control movement of Small Robot in all directions, wireless . . . . .


7 Path Follower


The Path Follower moves within a path or two lines and automatically adjusts . . . . . . .


9 Obstacle Avoider


The Obstacle Avoider detects obstacle in front of it, and automatically . .

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